Being a father means having a double face, or maybe not?

Hasn't that situation ever happened to you in which your son does something that you know you have to reprimand his attitude but inside you are laughing? It has happened to us once and again and the truth is that it is very complicated at that time to be the adult that others expect when the child inside you does not stop laughing. Those times when you see yourself reflected in your son, there, so long ago that you had left him in a corner of your memory until your son reminded you and then you see yourself, more than 30 years ago doing the same girl who just made your son and remember that you found it very funny and remember the anger you earned from that one and that child, of which there is still a piece that another inside of you, starts laughing again and shouting "You really don't think it's funny?" and then you curse under the ground of having grown up and certain kinds of norms that even today you don't understand the meaning. And you have to tell your son what you don't even believe. And it is that many times Being a father means having a double face, or maybe not?

And although I have to say that it is not fun and that this is not done for the reason that I touch at that moment, deep down you wish with all your being that you do not ask why, because you know that you are going to have to give the reason , because of course it is fun, it was 30 years ago and it still is now and then you will not be able to stop laughing and wondering, would my father be laughing inside when he scolded me?

It would not be bad that from time to time we left that robe of judges, which we always wear, at home and return to behave like the child we were, perhaps we would end up less tense.

Video: My Dad Bought My Silence After I Revealed His Double Life. Best True Stories Animated (July 2024).