The touching gesture of two five-year-old children helping a friend with cerebral palsy walk

Jeffrey is six years old and has cerebral palsy It affects your movement and coordination. And his difficulties in walking get worse when he is cold, because his muscles tense.

That is what happened on his last visit to a water park. But when his mother, Andrea Mackey, was going to come to his aid, he was surprised to see that two of his friends, only five years old, had chosen to hold his hand and help him walk, instead of running into the water. So one of his sisters, Mikaila, recorded the image of the three children walking, holding hands, and hung it on his Twitter account.

This emotional childish gesture has accumulated more than 527,000 likes.

One of the obstacles Jeffrey faces with cerebral palsy is that his muscles get tight making it hard for him to walk. Today at the water park he was having a hard time walking but, his friends pushed him to keep going and never left him behind💛

- mikaila ryan (@Mikaila_ryan) August 2, 2019

The 'mini-team' held together

“One of the obstacles Jeffrey faces with cerebral palsy is that his muscles tense, making it difficult for him to walk. Today in the water park he had a hard time walking, but his friends encouraged him to continue and never left him behind. ”

These are the words that accompany the publication of Twitter, which continues to receive comments that praise the gesture of the children.

Instead of running to the pool, Andrea explained to Yahoo, Raya and Kane "They stopped and continued helping him in spite of stopping more and more".

In Babies and more "Let him walk alone", his teammates chanted Nacho, with cerebral palsy, and he succeeded

The mother acknowledges that she was worried that her son would feel excluded while his friends were playing, but fortunately "the mini-team" It held together.

A good incentive for this little one. As his mother explains:

"Jeffrey is a tough boy. We push him and support him in everything he wants to do. We keep him as active as our other four children. When he is cold, his muscles tense and it can make it difficult for him to move or walk."

But there were his little friends to help him. We love your selfless gesture, one more example that children's hearts are generous and have no limits. We must all learn from them!

Video: This video of a special needs child scoring a basket will make your day! (May 2024).