Dads and moms blogs (CLXXVII)

One more week we take a tour of the blogosphere to discover what has been written in the moms and dads blogs in the last days.

In Things that happen to me, the blog of Ana Ribera, who by the way just jumped on paper with her new book, I found a fun reflection on the Conjosjos seen by the Sinhijos. How some people change by becoming parents. Truths like fists.

The good weather begins, and the parks are filled with children. Mom Medusi He tells us his adventures in the park, that great stranger. It is true that a guide to what should and should not be done in playgrounds should be done. To begin, take care of the children and teach them to live with other children.

We cannot forget that today is Book Day, so we want to share with you the collection of books by Hervé Tullet that has recommended us First Time Mom in useful purchases. His books are totally different, so that children learn through them to play, interact, think and develop creativity.

Changing completely from third, we turn to healthy eating. Mom who knows! He makes a defense of homemade food for the baby in I stew it and we all "know" what we eat. Bet on a balanced diet, share the table and let the baby experience are three fundamental pillars of a good relationship with the child. I loved your post.

Another post that I liked a lot I found this week in Mom is a blogger. In children should be active participants of our life makes a reflection on the importance of raising emotionally involved children to be better adults. I think that many of us are on the same path, they may not be the shortest, but those of us who are on it are convinced that it is the most fruitful.

I hope you have found interesting our walk through the moms and dads blogs from today. Next week, more. We take this opportunity to remind you that if you have a blog about maternity or paternity and you want us to visit it, leave a link in the comments of the post.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).