Veal booklets stuffed with vegetables. Recipe for the whole family

Based on the idea of ​​the classic San Jacobs of pork tenderloin with ham and cheese, I started doing experiments that sought to help my family eat more vegetables. One of those that worked best was that of Veal booklets stuffed with vegetables That proved a success.

When using veal fillets from the lid part, which are very tender and good for breading, I didn't need to make booklets since I could make the stuffed meat packages simply folding each fillet in half covering the filling. You will see how easy it is.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 thin beef fillets, 4-6 slices of cheese, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 1/2 zucchini and 2 tomatoes. To batter, flour, eggs and breadcrumbs.

How to make veal booklets stuffed with vegetables

The first task we have to do is prepare the vegetables with which we will fill the booklets. To do this, we cut the carrot and leek into very small tacos and simmer them in a large pan with three or four tablespoons of oil.

Chop the zucchini into taquitos and add them to the pan, sautéing everything together until the vegetables sweat and soften and reduce their volume almost halfway. Season lightly and let the vegetables finish, draining them very well on absrobente paper.

We spread the fillets and cover half of each with a couple of tablespoons of the vegetable filling. Cover the vegetable with a slice and a half of melting cheese, and finally, we fold the fillet to cover the filling.

We breake them by passing each booklet for flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs and fry them in a pan with very hot oil, making them one by one until they are golden brown. We serve the booklets with some salad.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy recipe


With this veal booklet stuffed with vegetables, our family will take meat proteins and the benefits of stuffed vegetables almost without realizing it. With a piece of seasonal fruit for dessert, we have a complete and delicious menu.

Video: Corned Beef Hash Sliders - 1940's Inspired Recipe (July 2024).