Smoking during pregnancy multiplies the risk of children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity by nine

An investigation carried out by American scientists reveals an association between smoking and children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; it seems that children who have a genetic predisposition to suffer from this disorder have a higher risk of suffering if their mother has smoked during pregnancy.

This is the first investigation that shows that smoking during pregnancy can multiply by nine the risk of children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the study, the data belonging to 5,000 American families who had twin children between 7 and 18 years old were taken, a questionnaire was provided to the parents asking about the habits followed by the mother during pregnancy and various aspects of the behavior of the children. The results revealed that up to 24% of mothers had smoked at some time during pregnancy and of these, 75% had smoked during pregnancy. It was found that especially in the children of the latter, the disorder was much more frequent and pronounced.

Yesterday we made an important recommendation, no alcohol during pregnancy, today we say, not a single cigarette during pregnancy and if it can be, throughout life. There are many news, studies and research that show the consequences of maintaining unhealthy habits, both for the mother and for the future baby, but especially it is the little one who will suffer the worst consequences.

Video: Taking It All In: Environmental toxins and your health Longwood Seminar (July 2024).