Mucous plug in pregnancy: what it is and when its expulsion occurs

The mucous plug is a secretion located in the cervical canal, which during pregnancy keeps the cervix sealed, constituting a physicochemical and immunological barrier.

It forms around week seven of pregnancy and its function is very important during pregnancy, as it protects against the entry of germs and other infectious agents.

What is the mucous plug?

The mucous plug is composed of the epithelial cells of the cervix of the pregnant woman, of a gel-like consistency with about 90 percent water and the rest of glycoproteins that give it the characteristic mucous consistency.

This substance is usually transparent or yellowish or brown, which sometimes appears stained with blood, with pinkish or reddish tones.

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Mucous plug expulsion

In term pregnancy, expelling the mucous plug is a sign of the imminence of childbirth, which can occur in hours or days, maybe weeks. Some women do not notice that they have expelled him. The expulsion occurs because the cervix begins to dilate as the time of delivery approaches.

The woman will notice a small amount of mucous, viscous and thick flow. It can be lost at once, or in the form of intense vaginal discharge for several days. This is usually due to a rupture of capillaries that occurs with the erasure or dilation of the cervix.

Sexual intercourse or vaginal touch can also affect the mucous plug and cause a bloody flow, even if the delivery is not going to start in the next few days. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to the hospital if only the detachment of the plug occurs and there are no rhythmic contractions or no water has broken.

In any case, if you notice very red and abundant blood losses, you should notify the gynecologist and go to the hospital to determine the cause, as it may be a sign of a complication.

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If the woman detects the detachment of the plug, it is advisable to consult the gynecologist if it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse and baths, since the uterus will be more exposed to outside infections.

The early expulsion of the mucous plug before reaching the end of pregnancy is a symptom of immature and preterm birth, it could be due to incompetent cervix.

Video: What Does A Mucus Plug Look Like. 37 Weeks Pregnant. I LOST MY MUCUS PLUG (July 2024).