All the answers that an expert will give you about your doubts of skin-to-skin contact

Everything is well-being for the baby before birth: for nine months his needs are covered inside his mother's womb, isolated from the world, like in a bubble. Upon leaving the mother's womb, however, she is abruptly exposed to a series of intense stimuli unknown and stop feel his mother wrapping him With his voice and his body. It is precisely in those moments when the newborn needs intimate contact with his parent to recover, again, balance.

The World Health Organization (WHO) itself recommends the skin-to-skin contact between mother and child right after birth, as long as the baby's health allows it. With Cristina Pérez Villalta, matron of the CIMA Barcelona Hospital, we talked about this technique not fully respected or fulfilled in all Spanish hospitals, which sometimes raises doubts and that, in his opinion, it only has advantages.

What are the main benefits of contact between mother and child right after birth?

First, It helps to establish the link between mother and baby, since this exerts a stimulation on the mother that induces maternal and protective behavior. Increase breastfeeding success and calms the baby, who has been in her mother's womb for nine months and is now separated. In addition, it favors regulation of respiratory, heart rate and baby temperature, that in the first hours outside the maternal uterus does not have adjusted the mechanisms of regulation of body temperature.

Skin-to-skin contact should be mandatory, except for mothers who refuse him, although in many cases they usually do so because they don't know the advantages

Why, unlike those of Sanitas, in other hospitals, the recommendation that the mother and the baby are not separated is not met, except if strictly necessary?

I think this recommendation is still not widely respected because it is not yet too protocolized that, as soon as the birth occurs, the first postnatal care must be performed immediately.

Is there a risk for the baby by waiting a few minutes to apply such care?

There is no risk, as long as the baby is born healthy. The Apgar test, a first assessment that is done to the baby right after birth to detect possible problems quickly, can be done perfectly maintaining skin-to-skin contact. If all is well, you can expect to perform the rest of protocolized postnatal care.

The benefits of skin-to-skin contact are demonstrated, but does this practice involve risks? Some cases of apnea and sudden deaths at the time of mother-baby contact have been described.

There is nothing to fear. Obviously, if you press the baby against your chest - he still does not have the ability to lift his head - or clog his nasal passages, a problem may occur, but the cause is not skin-to-skin contact. We must apply common sense: be aware of the newborn, keep an eye on him to make sure everything is fine. If the mother cannot do it because she is very tired or sleepy, the couple or a relative can do it.

How can a woman who will soon give birth ensure that she will be able to enjoy immediate contact with her baby, if there are no complications?

The first thing the pregnant woman should do is know the hospital protocols in which he plans to give birth and know what policy he follows regarding skin-to-skin contact. Once the center is chosen, you must specify this desire in the birth plan. Already in the hospital to give birth, you will also have to indicate to the midwife who will accompany her that she wants the child placed on her chest as soon as she is given birth.

Would babies born by caesarean section also have to stay in skin-to-skin contact with the mother?

Yes, but it is often difficult because of the operating room infrastructure and the position of the woman because of the caesarean section. If it is not possible at that time, it should be started as soon as possible as soon as the intervention is finished. Meanwhile, skin can be done with the father of the newborn.

Is it a woman's and baby's right?

This practice should be mandatory, except for mothers who refuse it, although in many cases they usually do so because they do not know the advantages. The newborn is an absolutely unprotected being and has nothing to do with him being placed on his mother's chest to be placed in a crib. Of course, it is the best gift a mother can give her child as soon as she is brought to the world.

Photos: iStock | SbytovaMN | Nata_Snow

Video: Skin Care For New Born - Dr. Maulik Shah - BabyChakra (July 2024).