Prevent the lack of iron in childhood

Iron is a very necessary trace element in the body, it is in the public domain that the lack of this mineral is associated with anemia, for this reason it is very important that the body receives the adequate contribution of iron through the diet. All in its fair measure, an excess of iron also causes various problems, but this is an issue that we will discuss later.

For prevent iron deficiency in childhood through food we simply have to make sure that children do not lack food such as meat or fish, we must also provide plant foods that are rich in this mineral, for example spinach, a vegetable that became famous thanks to the drawings Popeye animated, but that really is not the vegetable that brings more iron. Legumes are also an interesting source of this mineral and also offer great nutritional value. For the body to absorb iron better, it is important that children also eat fruits and preferably citrus fruits, since they provide large amounts of vitamin C, an element that substantially helps the body properly absorb this mineral.

Iron deficiency is something that parents can prevent since the child has reached 6 months of age, at which point he begins to develop faster. We always advise to be guided by the hand of an expert, be it the pediatrician or a nutritionist, the diet is something that must be taken into account and that must provide the body with the right and adequate raw material, thanks to it your child will grow strong and healthy .

Video: Best treatment for iron deficiency anemia in children (July 2024).