The benefits of Omega 3 in hyperactive children

Neuropediatrics specialists say that A diet rich in essential fatty acids Omega 3 brings great benefit to children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

ADHD is currently the most common neuropediatric pathology among children. It is estimated that about 7% of children of school age suffer, although many are not diagnosed because the symptoms are often confused with those of a child with poor behavior or too quick.

Diet seems to be a binding factor in the behavior of hyperactive children. Just as it is believed that artificial colors and preservatives promote hyperactivity, they relate Omega 3 fatty acids with a significant improvement in the behavior of hyperactive children.

Several studies have shown that Omega 3 essential fatty acids play a key role in the development and maintenance of the structure of the central nervous system and the retina. They ensure that it improves basic cognitive abilities such as memory, problem solving or language.

We have talked on several occasions about the benefits of Omega 3 acids in infant feeding to improve children's brain development, and even the importance of eating fish in pregnancy (without abusing, no more than 3 times per week) , one of the main sources of this nutrient.

We now know that specialists also recommend including it in the diet of hyperactive children to promote their cognitive abilities.

Video: Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Autism & ADHD (July 2024).