Finding death while asking for peace for all: the sad story of Martin Richard

Fate has played very cruelly with the family of Martin Richard, a child of only eight years who (like everyone at that age) dreamed of a better world, in which people fought for peace.

Martin was last Monday on one side of the Boston marathon, and the wounds that caused the bombs to explode ended his life. We all shuddered when we heard the first news on the 15th, we were all outraged to learn that there were three dead and dozens of wounds, and we all felt very helpless knowing that Martin found death while seeking peace. He was a sporty and cheerful child, in fact his photos they always show him smiling. During these days, neighbors and friends have shown pain and have supported the family in these hard times. The father lived very hard moments that he will never forget, while running the marathon he lost one of his three children, and suffered when he discovered that his wife and another daughter were seriously injured.

We don't feel sorry for Martin anymore, of what we do for the hundreds of children who daily suffer violence in areas of armed conflict (It is impossible to summarize in a few lines how barbarism hits children in other parts of the world, although a few months ago we expressed our helplessness for the lack of protection of children in Syria).

Children who survive the attacks (or those who do not) in war-keeping countries deserve the same attention, but these days we will think of Martin, and we will regret that the wishes of peace of the little ones do not come true. We regret having to face the 'nonsense' that sowed terror and chaos in Boston on Monday.

Martin will not climb trees again, although inside we can continue to see his smile. And all adults we have to consider how to educate our children so that they know how to keep the peace, so that they know that conflicts are not resolved with violence.

Video: The Day the Music Died: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper (July 2024).