Bulimia during pregnancy

There are several eating disorders that affect the population, anorexia, overweight, obesity, vigorexia, etc. All of them affect the health of the person suffering from it.

There are women who become pregnant and have serious problems to avoid any of these disorders, in this case, we talk about the bulimia during pregnancy. Excessive overfeeding and subsequent vomiting are one of the characteristic symptoms of this disorder.

It is not advisable to cause vomiting when you suffer bulimia, this action can also affect the baby in the future and a priori, it does seriously affect your physical condition and especially in the last stage of pregnancy. It must also be taken into account that a nutritional imbalance is caused that considerably alters both the metabolism and various functions of the body. It is important that, being aware of the disorder, go to a specialist and ask for help to avoid this type of problems, tell the gynecologist it is also recommended, it will refer you to the appropriate person who can help you overcome the problem. They are professionals who will try to help you by all means and you should not be afraid to explain the situation.

Your health and your well-being is the health and well-being of your future baby.

Video: Eating Disorders and Pregnancy. What It's Like (July 2024).