40% of children are "bad eaters"

Although it is one of the most accused, obesity is not the only problem of infant feeding, there are also nutritional disorders and eating pathologies such as bulimia and anorexia. The truth is that everyone has their germ in childhood, and hence the importance of instilling good habits to children from an early age.

Let's start by clarifying what we mean by a "bad eater" child. It is that child who ingests little food and little variety, or both. That is to say, it does not contribute variety to your diet and therefore, it does not cover your nutritional needs correctly, being able to fall into nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

According to the Zaragoza Study, 4 out of 10 children between 1 and 10 years are "bad eaters".

Why this situation? In part, the response was given by the parents of the children who participated in the study, stating that between 30% and 40% of them do not usually eat or dine together on weekends or have breakfast with their children.

At a minimum, parents should share a meal a day with their children. Breakfast and dinner is an ideal time to share the family table, to maintain a positive dialogue about the daily activities of each family member. Oh, and with the TV turned off, since according to the study 63% of children usually eat with the television on or with toys. In addition, their meals last more than 40 minutes and tend to reject new foods, especially vegetables.

The consequences of having a poorly eaten child, of course, affect the health of the child and jeopardize their healthy development, but also affect the mood of the family, as parents confess to feeling overwhelmed by the problem.

For their part, the health centers serve many concerned parents because “my child does not eat me,” however, it is downplayed because the percentile table does not really reflect the problem.

Video: At least 40% of Children in Abuja don't go to Primary School (July 2024).