The face of a deaf baby when hearing for the first time

I want to share with you some beautiful images that are barely fifty seconds long, but enough to make our day. Although nothing comparable to the joy it shows the face of a deaf baby when hearing for the first time The voice of his mother.

Jonathan was born with hearing loss. He is now 8 months old and has just had a cochlear implant so he can improve his quality of life. A cochlear implant is a transducer, which, as the name implies, is implanted through surgery in the baby's inner ear, and that transforms the acoustic signals that arrive from the outside into electrical signals that stimulate the auditory nerve and reach the brain.

The baby's face is priceless. In the video we can perceive his happiness at the first words he hears from his mother. He has been able to accompany with sound the looks and the affection that his mother transmitted to him but before he could not hear. Now his brain can receive those words, his name pronounced by his mother and it is curious how he also tries to imitate her.

I was excited to see the face of this deaf baby on hearing for the first time. Something that for other hearing babies is absolutely normal since birth (and even before, from the womb), Jonathan has discovered it for the first time.

Video: Deaf woman hears for the first time (July 2024).