Dads and moms blogs (XXXV)

Today I make a tour to moms and dads blogs Again, excited about human quality and the experiences that families share on the internet. As always, this review opens my eyes to new ways of seeing things and allows me to learn from other extraordinary fathers and mothers.

In Casseroles and hugs, Azu, shares with us a reflection on the motherhood and patience of mothers homeschoolers. And yes, he is quite right. Educating at home is not always quiet, but it is a wonderful experience.

And also speaking of home schooling, Malena, the other author of this blog, recommends us the support of the Epysteme Association if we decide to follow that educational path. It shows examples of the activities they organize for children who study at home, such as the festival organized by children last April and I assure you that it was a very enriching experience.

I loved the idea that Malena also shows us in Casseroles and hugs, which teaches us how children are able to reinvent with the usual toys. I have found your Playmobil tennis court very interesting.

In We have boobs, the blog of our reader Ileana, always surprisingly lucid. It tells us about breastfeeding as a right that could not be denied to working mothers and that helps them to bond with their children by helping them overcome the penalty of separation at very early ages.

He reminds us, in “Breastfeeding as an ally of working mothers,” that the mothers of the world have always worked, without it being necessary to separate themselves from their children or stop feeding them with their milk. In that article link one of ours and that is always exciting to see and I appreciate it.

It also includes a very interesting article written by Paloma Lerma, Coordinator of the IBFAN Network (International Baby Food Action Network) in Mexico, entitled “What are we doing?”, Which analyzes the current situation of widespread use of artificial lactation.

Cristina, the author of a blog that I think I am talking about for the first time, Wake up in the light, but of whom we have already commented on his wonderful work "He will paint the suns of his path", he amazes us and moves us with his "Loving me after two C-sections".

In the fun How not to be a drama mom, I can't resist telling you that the impressions that the phrases made and the manias of the mothers can greatly influence the children, so a refreshing reading like this will make us laugh at those that made us pass as children and learn not to do The same with our children.

Our partner Miriam, author of Parenting and trust, tells us about the supposed overprotection that some consider parents who decide to avoid children the most violent or sad images and content.

Josefina, from Raising with love, tells us about a video that we have also commented, that which shows that verbal abuse is also violence.

Finally I encourage you to meet I arrive at the end of the month, a blog full of ideas for families to spend only what is necessary and, on this occasion, I highlight their proposal to make cloth letters so that babies can play with them.

Next week we will continue visiting Dads and moms blogs to offer you a compilation of what catches our attention.

Video: MOM vs DAUGHTER (June 2024).