Teachers and apprentices is a directory of companies in Madrid that offer extracurricular activities for families

We have been reviewing with the creators of Teachers and Apprentices What is your project on the Internet? We have been told that it is an educational site where you can Access a complete directory of companies that offer families of the Community of Madrid all kinds of activities After-school, urban camps and children's parties. It is an initiative that promotes education, giving priority to sports, artistic, scientific, language, early stimulation activities, with specific therapies for academic and personal reinforcement and many other interesting proposals.

In Teachers and Apprentices they aim to allow families to find a good, varied and attractive offer of companies in Madrid so that they can choose the activity that best suits their tastes and needs.

The differential value of Teachers and Apprentices with respect to similar sites is that they are the unique in the market that offer a categorized directory of educational services companies aimed at individuals. The companies that advertise thank you because it also becomes a good showcase for them.

The page includes specific activities for children with some type of disability or special educational needs, as well as activities that raise social integration as a priority. As we are told it is a unique and innovative approach in the market and also every day more necessary.

Not only is the offer for the age range of Peques and Más, from five to twelve years, they also provide stimulation for babies to perform with one of their parents. They consider it a proposal with high benefits to get an early stimulation.

Among the offer of companies there are options for family, sports, nature or language activities. Too offer services for those non-school days, Christmas holidays, Easter and summerThis is where your offer is sure to find a lot of attention from families, especially if the children's parents work.

And finally they also work with the companies that offer children's party services. With the crisis it is necessary to sharpen the ingenuity and there are already options for less conventional parties and that provide children with educational values ​​while doing sports, artistic tasks, in other languages, conducting workshops, etc ...

In Teachers and Apprentices just started and they have to build their network. The project seems to have had an excellent reception from families and businesses. And is that it seems that it is necessary to have attractive offers using the Internet as a dissemination channel and focusing on the education of children. Perhaps it is an example so that there are more Masters and Apprentices throughout Spain and new business and entrepreneurship opportunities are opened now that much is needed.

We wish teachers and trainees many successes and congratulate them on their initiative. We also thank you for your generosity by sending us so much information to understand this interesting project.

Video: Mayor's Proposed Budget Public Hearing (July 2024).