Eradicate child abuse in all its aspects

Day by day some cases of child abuse jump into the media, these "characters" have no mercy (or many other things), they don't care if it's a helpless being, blood from their blood ... to give them unnecessary pain and some unforgettable sequels. However, many of the existing cases are not known, the magnitude of this problem is much greater than we can imagine, the cases presented on television are just the tip of the iceberg.

Despite this, the Ministry of Social Welfare, in the case of the Valencian Community, points out that the cases of this type of abuse on babies do not exceed ten, but talk about extreme cases, what is this ?, the cases that They are not extreme, they are also very dangerous, especially psychologically, they harm the child and create a personality that in the near future will affect his person and those around him.

Child abuse should be considered in its wide range, not only focus attention when there are physical injuries. It would be interesting if Social Security had a group of psychologists who will treat all children to find out if they receive any type of abuse, either physical or psychological to try to eradicate it. According to these individuals, there are many problems that can lead to and unleash child abuse, but there is no excuse, you should not mistreat and much less hide in the various problems that may exist. We do not talk about drug problems, alcoholism, etc., these often result in a problem of abuse. There are also many other factors that trigger abuse, social status, irritability due to different problems, etc. A simple daily problem can lead to abuse.

For greater child safety, do not wait until there is physical evidence of abuse, for this reason, claiming a personalized follow-up of each child by Social Security would be the best thing to safeguard as far as possible the integrity Physical and psychic of the child.

Video: Emotional Abuse Is Far Worse Than You Think (July 2024).