A good decorative idea: a mural with pictures of the baby

I often bring you some decorative ideas that can be interesting for homes with children. One that I loved is to create a mural with pictures of the baby.

It is an orginial proposal, beautiful and most importantly, simple to make. The photos must be all the same size and must be arranged so that they compose a grid.

Depending on the space available on the wall we can choose to place them horizontally, vertically, longer than wide, wider than long, etc.

The key to an attractive composition is in the choice of photos. If you look closely, they all have a chromatic harmony in pink and gray tones. This can be a detail of the original photo or go through the magic retouching of Photoshop.

In turn, the grace is that the photos of the child (or children if you have more children) are combined with images in the foreground of objects such as a typewriter, a street or a cup. If you feel like it, you can replace them for example with detailed images of the child's toys.

Another thing that would look great is to combine them with photos of the baby's body parts like a little hand, a little piece or a leg. And that the photos do not have a framing and a perfect approach, that is, they are worth cut heads, unfocused planes, etc. For more inspiration, you can go to the advice of our Xatakafoto friends.

Anyway, I leave you with those ideas. It only remains to choose a special corner of the house to exhibit a beautiful mural with photos of your baby.

Video: DIY Nursery Flower Wall Picture Tutorial. Saw it. .Made it (July 2024).