Solidarity bookmarks to collaborate in the creation of schools in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This year the IV edition of the Save the Children initiative “Solidarity Bookmarks”. In 572 schools and institutes in the country, a special day has been dedicated for students to decorate bookmarks whose theme is about Children's Rights.

This activity has been framed within the celebration of Book Day and it is intended that participating students learn what their rights are, and how is the situation of children in impoverished countries. They will also discover that education and reading are very important. And after having worked on these aspects in class, the children decorate their bookmarks and take them home to give them to their parents, uncles, grandparents ... with the aim that the money collected will be delivered by the schools to Save the Children.

This year the proceeds will go to the reconstruction of schools in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as to provide health, protection and education to the children of this African country.

Worldwide Save the Children reaches more than ten million children with education programs, providing them and their families with an opportunity for the future.

Images | Save the Children Source | Save the Children In Peques and More | On the day of the Book we can remember the current "Dickens children"

Video: Secretary Clinton's Remarks at Lantos Institute Opening (June 2024).