The babble stage in the child

The child is "programmed" from birth for interaction with other living beings. Thus, from the fifth month of life to two years we find the stage that is known as the babble stage.

Parents can imitate the sounds that the child emits, which also makes it easier to assume the child's mental states, as well as his intentions thanks to the emitted sound chains.

It is at this stage when we can say that the language be constructed to be clearer, since most of the activities between parents and children can be regulated by the child's emissions.

This babble can be taken as a game (something that produces pleasure, not an activity with rules where someone wins and another loses). Little by little, the baby will begin to control his movements, with the increasingly improved help of hearing discrimination.

This will allow the adult to respond with words to those verbal emissions that, unintentionally, will initiate gratifying communicative interactions. There is a communicative situation because the adult responds and fixes a communicative character in his interaction with the baby.

It is interesting to see how the vocalizations of this stage are issued accompanying actions and accompanied by gestures. This is logical if I think that this results in greater effectiveness in making the object of the message you want to convey understood.

If we look at the evolution of babbling, we can see how it goes from an aspect with absolute absence of regularity to something very similar to the sounds that are heard in the environment of the child. Generally, we can hear in the babble isolated vowels, syllables formed by a consonant (p, b, k, g ...) and a vowel in vocal-consonant-vowel structure (aka, apa, aba) and other difficult pronunciation structures (nge ...)

Each time the emissions that are made by the little ones are more similar to the conventional forms of the language spoken in the context of the child due to the functional load that the adult gives to these emissions and that the child shares, with what he tends to use them more and more times in situations similar to those you've heard.

That is why we can say that the babble stage Initial is of vital importance for the development of the phonemes of the language.

Video: Speech-Language Pathology: Should I Be Concerned? Cincinnati Children's (July 2024).