The hopeful reaction of people when a man insults her for breastfeeding in public

Seeing people with little education complaining to breastfeeding mothers is, unfortunately, relatively common on the internet. It happens from time to time and the cases are shared in a massive way to show rejection of such disrespect. What is not so frequent is to see other people's supportive reaction, and that is what a mother could capture with her mobile.

It happened a few days ago and we wanted to share it not to see a degenerate insulting a woman who breastfeeds, but also, but above all to show the hopeful reaction of the people around him, who even made a human barrier to stop bothering him.

Jessie Maher, who is the mother victim of criticism, was breastfeeding a few days ago in the cafeteria of a shopping center in Connecticut (USA) when a man began to recriminate what he was doing. He told him that what he was doing was "disgusting" and that he had to do it somewhere else. She answered what any mother in that situation would have told her: "I am feeding my daughter and I have the right to do it here, go away and leave me alone," to which he replied with several insults: "You are disgusting, you are disgusting. , you're disgusting, bitch. "

At that moment she began to feel much more violent and scared, but people began to approach to see what was happening. Then she picked up the phone to record everything. This is how we arrived at the video he shared on his Facebook and that more than 8 million people have already seen.

Too hard is to be a mother to have to hide

She didn't move, but she certainly didn't enjoy the scene. Luckily, and that is what we wanted to emphasize with this entry, center workers approached and some clients too, and they gave support at all times to women. Even a girl told him that he did not have to have a hard time, that it was he who had to leave if he did not like it, that the problem was his, and he incredulously made it clear that that was, in fact, a precious moment.

Following the video hundreds of mothers have contacted Jessie to give her support and to explain that they have also gone through similar circumstances, and some have explained that when their babies cry they go home, or somewhere where there is no one , or leave an enclosure, or cover, or ... all to avoid criticism.

She is clear that she will never hide to feed her daughter, because as she says on Facebook: "Too hard it is to be a mother to have to hide". And she says it openly because while she is feeding her baby she is doing what she wants her daughter to do tomorrow when she is a mother, and what she wants other children to do, and that everyone sees, the generation current and next, that there is nothing wrong with feeding a baby who needs food, and that there is nothing wrong with being a mother.

Video: Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public. What Would You Do? (July 2024).