Summary of the week from February 13 to 19 in Peques and More

We return a week with lots of information, resources and content for all those who want to follow learning about those wonderful children from 5 to 12 years old that make our lives happy every day. And since Peques and more We bring you a new weekly summary for the whole family.

We present the white pedagogy program so that parents and teachers accompany with respect the children's learning. We also brought you several interviews, Pep Torres's my BA who told us about innate talent of children and their creativity generating brilliant proposals. And we talk to José Ángel Cano about Wonnova on gamification and its use to turn tedious tasks into fun. In addition Judith Vilà explained her experience of success with the Junior First Lego League in which she accompanies, guides, guides and helps the participating students.

Chiquiarte is the perfect place to exhibit all the 'artworks' of the kids that have been creating since they were babies. Leave your sleep It is a book of children's stories and poems, in English, compiled by Natalie Merchant and illustrated by Barbara McClintock. We also discover books that answer the questions of curious little ones and that have to do with the surrounding environment.

As the kids grow their responsibilities increase and one of them is the continuous evaluation of their knowledge. Here are some ideas to reduce stress and anxiety. We also tell you how global breastfeeding rates are stagnant in East Asia and some African countries. In addition, the Debate on the State of the Nation is being held today and two of the NGOs that most strongly represent children have sent a document with proposals to be addressed to all parliamentary groups.

The cuts in Catalonia affect children with economic difficulties and make them more vulnerable in health, education and social benefits. And at school we also talk about the Mapfre initiative called Teachers and road safety so that teachers have information and resources to explain road education in the classroom. To celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Copernicus, who conducted Google, we show you an experiment with planets to explain the Heliocentric theory. And we present the MyBnk training and entrepreneurial proposal to educate children in finance.

In the Health, we talk about the site Mojar la Cama that informs about enuresis. In addition, the AECC initiative that finances a project that will identify therapeutics targets for metastatic childhood osteosarcoma and Menudos Corazones that reminded us that February 14 is the International Day of Congenital Heart Disease. And for the kids to go safely in the car, the recommendations of the DGT for children up to 18 kilos to travel in approved devices placed in the opposite direction to the march. And we show you Protégeles, a child protection organization focused on the use of the Internet, mobile telephony and digital entertainment.

In the shopping and toys We indicate the opening of a Barbie Café in Taiwan with everything ready to live a wrist-based experience. On Valentine's Day we set out to read love stories to kids. In children's movies and movies We talk about Coraline's Worlds and the lessons that are drawn from the protagonist's particular world, an eleven-year-old girl named Coraline. And finally we introduce you to Pou, a nice pet that all children want to take care of on mobile devices.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!

Images | thejbird

Video: Negros Occidental. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).