A father attends the birth of his baby thousands of kilometers thanks to virtual reality (video)

This 2015 will be the year in which the first virtual reality glasses will land and, according to our colleagues in Xataka, the first to arrive will be the Samsung Gear VR. As it is a matter of little time, Samsung is already doing advertising campaigns with them and of course, so that people see them as something useful, the interesting thing is to show them what they are capable of.

The last thing they have done is broadcast live the first birth that could be seen in virtual reality, the spectator being the father of the creature, who could attend the birth of the baby thanks to this system. If not for that, he would have missed everything, because at the time of delivery he was 4,000 kilometers away.

Is this the intention of the device? No, I do not think so. In reality, the most likely goal is to be more leisure and entertainment oriented, to the world of videogames, to transport us to unimaginable worlds, to help us disconnect from the real world and take us to one where we enjoy things and situations. that in reality they would hardly happen (and I do not enter if this is positive or negative).

However, it is a technology that allows us to do what we show you, because with a camera system capable of recording in 360º in situ, and the dad connected to the signal coming from the room, could see everything that was happening in the room as if he were really sitting near his wife. Amazing. If you look at the video, the man moves his head to the sides and up and sees exactly what he would see if he were there.

It happened in Australia and the video is quite exciting, really:

Video: Chernobyl - What It's Like Today (June 2024).