"You will have a family forever": the excited reaction of a girl to learn that she and her brothers will be adopted

"Some Mondays are better than others". Thus begins the text that heads the emotional video that posted on his Instagram account Jackie Alexander, manager of the American Heritage School in Utah (United States), which shows the reaction of a girl who is told that, Together with her two brothers, she will be adopted by a family.

The adoptive parents had been fighting for two years to adopt these three brothers, and after the hard legal battle, they have finally obtained a green light from a judge and will soon form a family. The burst of emotion of the older sister to communicate the news, has taken us all a huge smile.

A "family forever"

Tannah Butterfield is 11 years old and with her brothers, Teagun, 6, and Tallie, two, study at American Heritage School in Utah.

A day after the terrible Las Vegas shooting, the school's principal, Jackie Alexander, received a story that had been waiting for some time: adoption of the three brothers by a marriage who had been battling him judicially for two years.

At this time, a great friendship had emerged between the adoptive parents and the director of the center, so Jackie I had lived the entire adoption process with enormous emotion for each step forward, but also with great frustration at each shock.

To give the news to Tannah was for her, one of the best moments of her life and the scene, captured by the security cameras of the school, was shared in her social networks becoming viral at the time.

"You will have a family forever, honey". With these words, Jackie Alexander announced to Tannah her future adoption, and then she sees how the girl rushes into the arms of the director filling each other with emotional kisses.

A shared post by Jackie Alexander (@jackiealex) on Oct 2, 2017 at 5:02 PDT

Accompanying the Instagram video, the director posted the following message:

"Some Mondays are better than others. I share this video with the permission of this student's parents. This is the true testimony that shows us that in a world full of turbulence and conflict, there is still light and joy in small everyday moments."

"A dear family I know has been struggling for a long time to adopt three children who attend our school. It has been difficult to see them fight in this emotional battle. My love for this family has grown and I have learned a lot from them, since they have tried to always stay positive despite the many setbacks that have arisen "

"Today, my desk phone rang and it was my friend Jen, the adoptive father, telling me that the process had come to an end and that the courts would allow them to adopt the three children. He asked me if I wanted to tell his eldest daughter when he came to my office to visit me, as he does every morning "

"Our security cameras captured the moment perfectly. I cry as I write this. In 12 years of work, this has been by far the best moment of my life! Telling a girl that she is finally going to get a family forever, it's a great privilege "

"I can't even describe what I suppose that hug… and thank God his mother didn't mind that he kissed her a million times, and a million more after the end of the video! He needed a moment like this after devastating news from yesterday. A reminder that, despite everything, life can be beautiful "

On the other hand, the adoptive mother of Tannah and her siblings has been excited with the broadcast of this video, which shows that dreams can come true. And it is that despite the bad times experienced, these parents send a message of encouragement to others who are in the same situation:

"We wanted to love and care for these three children, and to become part of our family. It has taken us a long time but getting it has been worth it. We must not stop persevering."

In Babies and More we have been thrilled with the beautiful story of Tannah and her brothers, and we hope that from now on they will be very happy with their new family.
  • Via KSL

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