They denounce the presence of potentially carcinogenic substances in the chocolate wrapper of three well-known brands

We tend to think, because the food authorities are behind, that the food our children eat, and that we eat, is safe. However, sometimes this is not the case: lots of food that must be removed because they are contaminated (what has happened to beans and botulism is incredible), foods that prove harmful and sometimes the packaging in which they come , which might not be the right one.

This is what the independent German food safety agency has denounced Foodwatch, when analyzing 20 different types of food, which three of them have substances in the package that could be carcinogenic and that, due to pollution, can be found also in chocolate.

Hydrocarbons in the wrapper

This is explained by the German newspaper The Local, stating that the independent German food safety agency Foodwatch has found aromatic hydrocarbons of mineral oils (MOAH) in products of the Kinder, Lindt and Rübezahl brands.

Those substances are considered potentially carcinogenic and can cause genome mutations. That is why they have issued a report with this information to send the population the recommendation that they do not consume these specific products.

These hydrocarbons come from the refining of oil and, although they are part of the packaging, chocolate can be contaminated and can be consumed.

The products in which they found them are: the bars Kinder Riegel, of Ferrero; Fioretto Nougat Minisfrom Lindt; Y Sun Rice Classic schoko Happen, of the Rübezahl brand.

But brands say there is no danger

However, despite the report of Foodwatch, in which they urged brands to withdraw these products, manufacturers deny that such a problem exists and neither will they remove the affected food from the market nor inform the population of the risk.

For its part, the German Confectionery Association has intervened in the case to affirm that the levels of hydrocarbons detected can be consumed without concern by the buyers.

What are the MOAH?

As explained by the European Parliament, MOAH are aromatic hydrocarbons of mineral oils that have a behavior mutagen capable of influencing the hormonal system, so they are considered dangerous to health.

Because of its risk, the same European parliament asked in March this year that there was "zero tolerance with respect to MOAH".

So, now it is the parents who have to decide whether or not to buy these chocolates, because while some ensure that hydrocarbon levels are "unacceptable for consumption", others say that nothing happens, that we can eat them.

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