A baby is born whose dead mother was kept artificially alive to make it possible

Can news be good and bad at the same time? Apparently yes, because this news that we bring today is one of them. Sad on the one hand, but hopeful on the other. And it lasts, very hard, as life is on many occasions, even though as humans we do the impossible to make it a bit friendlier.

From Poland comes the story of a woman who, pregnant, did everything she could to give birth to her baby and get to know him. She did not get it, as many of the dreams for which we fight every day are not achieved, so her husband believed that it was best to try to fulfill part of that dream, and they kept her alive artificially so that the baby could continue gesturing. Now that baby is already born, very premature, but it is here, and now we tell you all its history.

After 55 days of artificial life

The mother was 41 years old when, sick with brain cancer, she was taken unconscious to the hospital in the city of Wroclaw, in Poland, where they saw that there was nothing to do for her life ... now I would never wake up again. She was 17-18 weeks pregnant and only had two options: let her finally die with the baby, or keep her body alive, artificially, so that she could continue to gestate the baby until she was mature enough to be born.

According to the husband and the family, and with the medical philosophy of fighting for life until the last moment (this gives much debate, but it is not the time or place), they opted for the second option with the intention of save the baby's life.

They connected the mother to an artificial respirator, a machine that would serve as a heart, circulating the blood, and an artificial kidney and adjusted the appropriate parameters searching in the scientific literature, since they had never carried out a similar intervention .

The initial goal was to reach 30 weeks of gestation, but it was not possible and the baby had to be born 55 days after starting the procedure. The Dr. Barbara Krolak-Olejnik, who participated in all this explained it this way to Sputnik:

At the beginning, in the course of the consultations with the anesthetists, tocologists and neonatologists, we plan to maintain the pregnancy until 30 weeks, since that is when the fetal maturity of the newborn is sufficient to be able to do without intensive care. Unfortunately, at 26 weeks the condition of the fetus was so unstable that there was a threat of intrauterine death. We were urged to make a decision. The fetus was still very small, with extreme prematurity. But we accept the challenge, if not, the baby would have died in his mother's womb.

And he was born with a kilo of weight

With 26 weeks gestation and one kilo of weight The baby born by his mother was born without knowing it, to meet the father he wanted to be saved. In his duel, in his loss, in such a difficult situation, he deposited all love in the best gift his wife could leave him, his son.

Every day he went to the hospital to see her, and to tell stories to her baby, even though she was not yet born. The hospital workers were amazed by it, but what else could he do? What else that was not swearing and swearing that he would love that baby, the son of both, with all his strength and for a lifetime?

Now the baby is already three months old

All this happened three months ago. Three months of intensive care that have served for weigh three kilos of weight, to be able to feed with a bottle and, finally, leave hospital. Three months indicating that it is now when he had to be born. Three months of fighting outside his mother's belly, to which those from within, to finally get home and start his new life with his father, hopefully happy, despite everything.

Video: Mom hears son's heartbeat after his death (July 2024).