The shape of the belly during pregnancy

They all carry the same inside, but on the outside they are beaked, wide, flat, irregular, more or less prominent ... Belly of pregnant women have very different forms, not only in each woman but the same in successive pregnancies or in different stages of the same pregnancy can have a gut with a different shape.

The same happens with the size of the belly, which we already saw that does not depend on the size of the baby: different shapes and sizes in each pregnancy. The shape of the gut is also not determined by whether the baby is a boy or a girl, so it does not serve to predict the sex of the baby.

There is a lot of myth regarding the interpretation or causes of the different forms of the belly of a future mother, although fundamentally we can talk about the physical characteristics of the mother as conditions of the different forms. These would be the main factors that influence the shape of the gut during pregnancy:

  • The relationship of size and height between mother and son. In women with very narrow constitutions in the area of ​​the pelvis and, therefore, with little space to house the baby, the gut has to grow and turn more outward. Instead, women with wider constitution may develop a less prominent gut out.

  • Obesity of the mother often camouflages the volume of the abdomen and her height is also influential for the general perception of the gut.

  • Single or multiple pregnancy Naturally, women who expect more than one child often have more prominent bellies than pregnant women.

  • The woman's posture. If the future mother has pronounced lordosis (the physiological curvature of the spine in the cervical or lumbar region), or tends to walk with her shoulders thrown back, then the gut comes out more and looks more bulging.

  • If the future mother has very toned abdominal muscles, the gut is much flatter and taller, since the muscles "hold" the baby. If, on the other hand, the muscles are flaccid, the gut is much lower and itchy, since the uterus deviates forward.

  • The number of pregnancies. With the second pregnancy, the gut is usually noticeable much earlier than with the first and, from the third pregnancy, tends to increase more in width. If the abdomen is lax from previous pregnancies, the gut is usually lower and prominent.

  • The position of the future baby. If the fetus is placed near the back of the uterus, the gut bulges less. But if it is placed transversely, then the belly looks clearly wider than tall. If he stands up, the gut is flatter, and if the fetus is placed upside down, it seems more beaten.

  • The amount of amniotic fluid. Towards the end of pregnancy, the fetus floats in a liter of amniotic fluid, approximately. But it can also be something more or something less, although slightly influencing the size of the gut.

  • The size of the fetus. The greater or lesser volume of the gut may be due to the size of the future baby, but it does not necessarily have to be this way. If a very large child is placed near the back of the uterus, the gut is no longer bulky.

  • The belly button of the pregnant woman also gives the gut a peculiar appearance, putting "the icing" on the bulky body portion, especially with the belly buttons. Other navels almost disappear, some are flattened ... and their shape can vary throughout pregnancy.

  • Baby movements they also make the belly change shape, it is not strange to see "lumps" moving through the belly of the pregnant woman, which only correspond to the members of the baby in motion.

  • Finally, we can talk about more "high" or "low" bellies if, at the end of pregnancy, the baby begins to look for his place and fits the head into the pelvis, preparing for childbirth. The baby's fit causes the belly to descend and lean forward. Although it is also possible that the engagement occurs without the woman noticing, for example if she already had a low belly.

As we see, the shape of the belly during pregnancy It varies between women and different gestations due to diverse issues. But all of them are beautiful guts that house a new life and we claim that they appear showing off in art, on the street, on the beach and in the media as a beautiful part of the woman's body.

Video: Epic Pregnancy Transformation. Mimi Ikonn (June 2024).