The great note that twin parents gave passengers traveling with them on the plane

Traveling by plane with young children can generate a lot of anxiety in parents. There is no lack of faces around us that seem to say "don't tell me that you have touched me next to the baby", but the truth is that children have every right in the world to travel by plane and whoever bothers them, to use plugs.

That's what some parents of two 18-month-old twins think, but they have said it in a much sweeter way. They wrote a great note that they gave on the plane to passengers traveling with them inside a bag with chocolates and earplugs.

The parents note

"Hello, Our names are Ashley and Abby. We are twins, we are just 18 months old and this is our first plane trip. We traveled to Florida to see Grandma, Grandpa, and Mom and Dad mentioned something about a mouse. Let's try to keep calm, but in case we decide to go crazy, we leave you a sweet gift and some earplugs for your use. Thank you for understanding and enjoy the trip. "

A baby can travel by plane practically from birth and we know that it is not easy for a small child to remain still and quiet for many hours. And it's not normal, because they are precisely that, children. Especially if the trip is long, they get bored of being so long seated (with less than two years they don't pay for a seat and travel on an adult's skirt), they cry, they are hungry, they are cold, they sleep uncomfortably ...

Just in case, opening the umbrella to possible complaints, the parents wanted to have a gesture with the people who shared the plane with the family.

The note was posted on the Facebook profile Love What Matters by a passenger on the plane thanking the gesture and mentioning that the plugs were not necessary and that she only opened the bag to pick up a piece of chocolate.

Video: This Technicality Got Family With Infant Kicked Off Overbooked Delta Flight (July 2024).