Do you think traveling with children is complicated? This family has been traveling the world with their children for two years.

Many advise young couples to travel as much as possible before having children because then everything gets complicated. Nobody said it was easy, but the truth is that if your traveling spirit really asks you to, traveling with children is not so bad. You can and, believe me, you really enjoy knowing the world with your children.

Garrett and Jessica Gee, a young couple from Utah, saw a good day, due to life's circumstances, in the dilemma of buying a house and establishing themselves or giving a radical change to their life and going out to travel the world. They chose the second and became one of the most famous traveling families, The Bucket List Family, which He has been traveling the world with two children for two years.

A lucky break

We love you, Greece! So much variety in 1 country and we didn't even see half of it! Lots of social memories here. We're sad to be leaving. We'll be back someday soon! Next stop London, England !! /// #family #bucketlist #explore #wanderlust #travel #vlog /// @beautifuldestinations @theglobewanderer @travelandleisure @garrettgee @ settie4444 @dorothyseven @manillagee

A photo posted by The Bucket List Family (@thebucketlistfamily) on Sep 27, 2016 at 2:43 p.m. PDT

Not everyone has the possibility to make a decision like the one they made, mainly for economic reasons. It all started in 2014 when Garrett sold an app created by him years ago to Snapchat, for which earned millions of dollars. "Anyone," you will say. It is true, with a few million it is easier, but still not everyone aims to travel the world with two young children.

They started traveling when little Dorothy was one year old and the little one, Manilla, was born during the trip. They sold all their belongings in a garage sale and began their adventure through Oceania. Then they toured some countries in Asia, the Caribbean and Europe. The list is endless: Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, the Fiji, Korea, Budapest, Greece ... and continues.

In his list of "things to do" there is still much to discover: they want to go to the festival of colors of India, dive with white sharks, see the birth of baby turtles, go on a safari, see penguins in Antarctica ... they have a thousand plans to fulfill!

@garrettgee and the kiddos in Seoul, Korea !! 💙🇰🇷💙… so we got a funny but awesome question: "Why do you always wear the same clothes?" LOL!! First of all, people ask brave questions on the internet 😉😂😉 and second of all, we wear the same clothes because it's all the clothes we have !! We travel with 3 checked bags and 2 carry-ons. That's everything we own and half of it is either camera equipment or health supplements, so for clothes that only leaves room for about 2 pairs of pants and 4-5 shirts each. The plus side: Less stuff = Less stress. The negative side: Our clothes kinda smell like they've been through 25 countries in the last 11 months… 😉😂😉 /// #family #bucketlist #adventure #seoul #korea #travel #vlog /// @beautifuldestinations @theglobewanderer @ sheratondcube @ 3drobotics @babyzenstrollers @travelandleisure

A photo posted by The Bucket List Family (@thebucketlistfamily) on Aug 6, 2016 at 5:43 p.m. PDT

Sharing your trips

They made of their trips a way of life and they want to share it in the networks. Each week they upload a video to their YouTube channel in which they tell their adventures and also do it through Instagram.

Among the values ​​that they want to convey to their children is the love for nature and respect for the poses, being more open-minded in their minds and hearts, learning to find happiness with less and creating unforgettable memories.

When children grow up they should probably settle somewhere, but in the meantime they fully enjoy the possibility that gave them the life of travel the world with your two children. Would you have done it too? I, no doubt.

NEW WEEKLY VLOG is live !! But first, just want to recognize the terrible tragedies that occurred this past week. Some terrible heart breaking and confusing stuff… 😞😥😞… Hopefully our video update this week can put a little smile and light into your day… 💛☺️💛 This video comes to you from Oregon and it includes Dorothy's first day of school, gymnastic lessons , and a whooole lot of Manilla boy !! The little guy has grown up so much during our short time here. Thx alls for watching !! link to video in profile 💛✌🏼️💛 /// #family #bucketlist #adventure #portland #oregon #family #lds #travel #vlog /// @beautifuldestinations @teva @ cutestcouple.s @freshlypicked @ thecouplegoal.s @prana @ travelandleisure

A photo posted by The Bucket List Family (@thebucketlistfamily) on Jun 13, 2016 at 5:44 p.m. PDT

Video: Ryan Made a new best Friend!!! (July 2024).