Administer the tetanus vaccine every 10 years

When a child is cut or pricked with an iron, doctors usually also apply healing, provide the tetanus vaccine, because tetanus is an infectious disease that despite being lethal, thanks to the vaccine does not pose any risk to the small.

This disease can be found anywhere, although it is mostly found in the soil or in the animal tract. It grows and multiplies especially during hot seasons and its contagion usually occurs through a wound.

The belief that it can only be contracted through a rusty iron is something that we should discard, the truth is that it can be contracted by any type of wound, be it a cut, a burn, etc. What does exist is a direct relationship between the depth and dirt of the wound with the possibility of contracting said disease. Young children are more likely to fall and suffer minor injuries, which is why it is so important that the situation is prevented and pediatricians usually administer the first vaccine when the child is 6 months old. Subsequently, at 18 months, a new vaccination is called a booster and finally a recall call when the child is 4 to 6 years old.

Specialists advise that to be protected against tetanus, then a souvenir vaccine is administered every 10 years, this will prevent a possible tetanus infection from appearing throughout life. Although not long ago we developed a post on tetanus vaccine, we have seen the need to reinforce what was written above for greater awareness about the importance of administer the tetanus vaccine every 10 years.

Before any injury a little would always be to go to the specialist to ensure the health of the child and our peace of mind.

Video: DTaP Vaccine - Vaccines and Your Baby - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 6 of 14 (July 2024).