The importance of sharing time with our children

Becoming mothers and fathers gives us many joyful moments, in addition to giving us great life lessons. And since I am a mother, there are two great lessons that I have learned and that I must constantly remind myself: time flies, and my daughter will be small only once.

Many times among all our occupations and concerns, we can forget these two lessons, so today I share the importance of sharing time with our children.

They will only be children once

As I mentioned at the beginning, this is one of the truths and lessons that motherhood has left me. Our children grow at incredible speed, and when we least expect it, they have already left behind another stage of their development.. From being newborns they become babies, and from being babies they become children, until one day, we realize that they are already preteens.

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That is why it is important that we take advantage now that they are small, because they will only be children once. It is true that the first years can be difficult or heavy, full of new challenges and adjustments and changes in our lifestyle. But also, It is a fleeting stage, which we will only have the opportunity to live and enjoy once.

A key stage for our relationship with them

Childhood is only a brief moment in the lives of our children and in our lives as parents, so we must dedicate quality time for our children and remember to focus on the positive, because good days and bad days we will all have, but the moments of joy and laughter will be those that will remain forever in our hearts and those of our children.

That is why it is important to share time with our children, because it is precisely in childhood, when we can sow and begin to form that strong bond with our children, which will affect them for the rest of their lives.

Many things will depend on this link in the future of our children, and thanks to him We can establish with them a relationship based on trust, respect and love. For our children, we will be their safe place during childhood and in us they will find the strength and security they need to develop fully and happily. And so, when they reach adulthood, we can not only be their parents, but their friends.

In Babies and more Take advantage now that they are small: your children will be children only once

Parents present yes, parents "ghost" no

Some years ago we shared a message that Pope Francis sent to all parents: "wasting time" with our children, it is one of the most important things we can do every day. And of course, he is very right.

Sure we all have our responsibilities and occupations that keep us focused on other things, but the dedicating or "wasting" time with our children should also be one of our top priorities.

Let's put aside things that do not matter or can wait for later, because there is something that is also true: the childhood of our children will not wait. While it's true that all the time we can share with them is important, Ideally, keep us as parents present and not "ghost" or absent parents.

Things like taking home work or mobile addiction, rob us of valuable time that we could be enjoying with our children. Think for a moment, is it really necessary that at that time you check your mobile? Let's get rid of him and start connecting more with our children.

Do not miss the childhood of our children, because tomorrow, this will be over and the time we share with them during those years, the kind of relationship we have when they are teenagers and adults. Let's enjoy and share time with our children today.

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In Babies and more | Get rid of your mobile and connect to your children, Take advantage now that they are small: your children will be children only once

Video: Importance of spending time with your children (July 2024).