How to put drops in the eyes of children

At this time of the year, thanks to the blessed allergy, it is my turn to put my daughters eye drops every day to relieve itching. I have become an expert in putting them on, but it was not easy at first.

The task is quite complicated because children often resist having something put in their eyes, as is normal. They close their eyelids tightly, put their hands, cry, scream, and when they are finally willing to collaborate and we are going to apply the drops, they instinctively close their eyes and we have to start over. I thought it is an ideal opportunity to give you some advice on how to put drops in the eyes of children.

First, we must wash our hands very well before starting. Meanwhile, we are preparing the child in a reassuring tone to convey confidence and opening the bottle of the drops that we are going to apply. It is important that you remove the washer that is left in the boat, because it has happened to me that everything was ready and the girl has fallen in the eye when the drop was about to fall.

The best posture is to place the child sitting or lying with your head slightly back and looking up. Holding the head with the hand, with the index finger or thumb gently lower the lower eyelid and precisely drop the drop.

That is ideal if the child collaborates and does not close his eyes. But as in most cases they do not open the eyes, as expected, we must hold the upper eyelid with the thumb of the hand that holds the head while we place the medicine with the other.

Another technique if you close your eyes is, in the same position with the head slightly back, place a drop on the tear and then ask him to open the eye to enter, although here it is more difficult to control the dose because the same amount does not enter .

You can also lay the child on his side (as if he were going to place the drop in the ear) and apply the drop from the outside of the eye, on the corner. That technique works for me quite well when the others fail.

After applying the drop, ask the child to blink several times so that the medicine penetrates and dries the excess with a soft cloth.

Finally, remind you that eye drops are for individual use and cannot be used after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Video: How to Safely Instill Eye Drops - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).