13 ideas to have fun with our children in summer

Summer evenings are long, very long and there is time for everything, even to get bored.

There are numerous psychologists and educators who argue that boredom is key to developing the imagination and creativity of the little ones in the house.

But everything has a limit and a solution, today We bring you 13 ideas to have fun with our children in these long summer afternoons we are in them, surely you can think of some more and surely they work by creating great family moments with the little ones.

Here we leave you with those that have occurred to us and those that we have tried, are 13 simple, affordable and fun ideas, to have fun with our children this summer, all together. Take note because they are so worth it!

  • Crafts are always an option to consider to enjoy on vacation. Simple and above all fun crafts that can be done in an afternoon.

  • Museums are also an option as a plan against heat and boredom, on some occasion we have also talked about how to get kids fond of art precisely to make visits to museums more palatable.

  • Sometimes recovering the child's spirit can be the secret, see the days as children see them and do many of those fun things we did when we were like our children, their age and with their desire to have fun at all times.

  • Have you ever played movies? Mime with our children until they guess together the title of the chosen movie. It can be a fun afternoon.

  • Board games are always a success option and there are many options to choose from. Sometimes we can choose adults and other times children will choose, the issue is to have fun together.

  • It is not necessary to demonize anything and we can also play the console together, there are karaoke games, dancing games, we can play sports or we can even play the traditional monopoly but through television. Yes, it is just as fun as in the traditional board.

  • Go outside to play, to the street, to a park. Go out together to play and play with them forming a team, sharing time and games. Going outside on a day that does not get too hot, a day that it rains, for example or playing on the beach, where we are on vacation but playing together.

  • Yes, reading is also a great plan against boredom. A reading corner where we all share a while reading, every afternoon or even reading sessions, why do we always have to be the adults who read them? Why don't they read aloud if they already know or are learning to read? Surely they love the idea of ​​having us as an auditorium.

  • And from time to time stop a little and see a series of drawings or something that can appeal to us all, we have great options to take us "television" where we want most thanks to the tablet or even the mobile phone and the platforms that offer us content suitable for the little ones in the house.

  • Yes, of course the cinema! The premieres have been happening in summer for weeks and what remains to come to the rooms is not small. Leaving home to spend the afternoon in a comfortable movie theater or one of the new drive-ins that are opening in some cities or even in the most traditional summer cinemas, is a plan that we should not miss.

  • When you do not feel like leaving home for whatever reason but watching a good movie together is at the top of our list of ideas against boredom, we have the option of watching one of the many movies that we have brought to this blog . Classics, animation, fun movies for the whole family and what if we later organized a film forum in which each one tells what he liked most about the movie?

  • There are chefs who rightly say that the kitchen is like a laboratory, we can decide that we prepare lunch or dinner together or one day children can prepare it alone, under our guardianship and supervision if they are still a little small. Little chefs are sure to have fun, entertain themselves and also learn more than they imagine.

  • When the children have grown a little and they see us that when we leave the house we take pictures with our cell phone or with the camera, they usually want to emulate us too, why not show them at home? We can organize a fun photocall one day in which they learn some basic notions of photography and avoid so that there is someone who is less in the photos when we are on vacation, for example.

Photos | iStockphoto
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Video: 5 Easy Summer Activity Ideas for Kids - Dollar Tree Summer Fun (July 2024).