Diary of my pregnancy: goodbye to the inconvenience

Finally, having already reached the fourth month of pregnancy I can say that the theoretically called first quarter discomfort have disappeared.

In my case, the quarter has been extended for another month. But, although they are usually more common in the first months, it does not mean that nausea may not appear occasionally in the rest of pregnancy. We are future mothers with hormones in full activity, not Swiss watches.

The arrival of spring, the hottest days, the first kicks and the departure of nausea have definitely changed my mood. Waking up without that morning discomfort and being able to eat anything is something that is appreciated. Another thing that fortunately decreased, although it did not disappear at all, is that hound dog nose that has developed my nose. Now I can throw the garbage into the bucket without breaking down every time I open the lid as it happened before.

As I said, my mood is markedly improved, which is also grateful for the rest of the family. Because although of course I felt happy about the pregnancy, the general tiredness and nausea made my days a bit heavy, and even more taking care of a 20-month-old girl.

Soon the discomfort of the second half of pregnancy will come such as heartburn, heaviness, slow digestion ... but I do not even want to name them so they are not taken for granted.

Now the best stage of pregnancy begins. As they say (and in my previous pregnancy it was like this) the second trimester is the fullest, when we feel better and we can enjoy everything in our wonderful state.

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