The best gifts for a pregnant woman

There are only a few days left for Reyes but surely some of you have Christmas presents slopes. I offer some suggestions on gifts designed for pregnant women or that they just had their baby, so you can help them live their motherhood fully and joyfully.

“A new motherhood”

My first recommendation is that of this book: “A new motherhood”, of which I am co-author. Edited by Ob Stare has been one of the most commented publications on the internet as well as appearing in all types of media.

The authors of “A new motherhood” consider ourselves women committed to the future of children and conscious parenting and with the book we hope to convey the idea that a real revolution can be made from motherhood.

There are more personal stories and other more formal articles, you can read things about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, conciliation, education without violence and above all, feel very close to other mothers who speak with the heart, with closeness and a great freedom and will make women who receive this gift feel more accompanied, as if they were part of a tribe.

A baby carrier

A good Baby carrier, suited to the general needs of that future mom, can be one of the best possible gifts. Even if she had not thought about it or seems reluctant to these "modernities" if she has it at home and receives some advice, using it when her baby is born will be a huge help. Precisely if you have not bought it already, let us know that you want it or not, it is almost a sure success.

When the newborn demands arms and physical contact, if the mother already has the baby carrier, she will have a good incentive to use it and will surely discover how much it simplifies her life and how comfortable the baby is.

Less crying, more rest, less nerves, more walks, more freedom to move around the house, easier breastfeeding and greater feeling of closeness for the baby are advantages that add to the baby carrier gift.

Of course, if the mother had already mentioned that she intends to buy one, it is best to find out a little about what her preferences are, to be sure of certainty. If she is not very informed, we can ask for advice on a specialized page like the Kangaroo Network, where they will offer us good advice.

Fees for a breastfeeding and parenting association for one year

When the baby is born, many moms feel alone, without finding other women to talk to without feeling pressured or receiving detachment advice about their children. It can also happen that they have problems in the beginning of their lactations or doubts and fears about the care of their babies.

Surely, deciding to look for an association and go to it can be a step that few take, but, yes We have looked for a local association that has frequent meetings and close to their homes and we have paid their fees, will be encouraged to go.

Therefore, making our friend a member and paying the fees for a year of a nursing and parenting association that has a headquarters near her home is another one of those gifts that are going to serve them much more secure than any expensive hookah. Of course, my first months would have been much better if someone had succeeded with this, instead of groping for groceries.

Also, when my son was born ten years ago, there were few breastfeeding and parenting groups. I founded a parenting association myself then. Now, however, there are many local associations.

In the town where I lived when my son was born precisely now there is a “Mama Luna” association that makes breastfeeding meetings every week, courses, talks and workshops, and where there are great women with a lot of experience in parenting or on specific topics such as porting, baby care or complementary feeding, doulas, lactation consultants and even health professionals collaborate as a pediatrician who is also a certified lactation consultant.

Surely there are some other near your pregnant friend's house breastfeeding and parenting association where they will help you during those first months of doubt.

These are three wonderful gifts for a pregnant At any time of the year and I am sure that, although at first they will be amazed, if you give them to them this Christmas they will make them remember you with gratitude for a long time and, above all, help them to face that great vital change that is motherhood.

I have made the list with the help of many other moms who have sent me their ideas, and as there are many more and very good, I will continue to share them with you. Surely some will help you get closer with Christmas gift from a pregnant or recent mother.

In the next topic I will talk about other books and courses that can be a great success as Christmas gift for a pregnant woman and also, other ideas that can make the beginning of motherhood something simpler for your friend, sister or wife.

Video: Top 10 Gifts for Pregnant Women (July 2024).