Fasting in pregnancy, a very dangerous habit

During pregnancy, food care is extremely important. This must be varied and that provides all the nutrients for both the mother and the baby.

Fasting during pregnancy is more dangerous than you think. New studies on the impact of fasting show how negative it is during pregnancy. For a decade, animal research has shown that in advanced pregnancy, if the animal does not eat food for more than 12 hours, the possibility of premature births increases. One of the mechanisms that explain the phenomenon is the fact that during fasting a substance called Corticotropin-releasing hormone rises, which in turn can induce premature labor. Similarly, other studies have confirmed that in pregnant women under 34 weeks of gestation, fasting periods greater than 13 hours (including night time) increase the chances of premature birth three times.

The best recommendation is not to miss more than 9 hours of fasting and eat foods with high nutritional value. To do this you should not skip any of the meals a day and if you are one of those who wake up late, a plate of fruit, nuts or a glass of milk next to your bed to take it at midnight benefits and avoids the inconveniences that can occur with a prolonged fast.

Video: Gestational Diabetes: Managing Risk During and After Pregnancy Video - Brigham and Womens Hospital (July 2024).