Corticosteroids, always with a prescription

Corticosteroids They are a risk for children and much more when they are young. This drug is usually used when the child suffers from a serious respiratory disorder, although there are many cases in which they have been used to treat a simple cold and also without prior consultation with the pediatrician, something that should never be done.

These substances have a large number of side effects and should only be administered when there is no other type of drug to treat chronic bronchial diseases. They must be administered from time to time and always at the doses indicated by the pediatricianIn addition, we must bear in mind that they only provide temporary relief to the child, but they do not resolve the disease.

There are people who are not clear about the incidence of these drugs and usually administer them on a daily basis to their children, this continuous way causes a false and apparent improvement, but do not fool ourselves, actually abusing this medicine can endanger various systems of the body of the child. For example, we can weaken the immune system, blood vessels become fragile or a deficiency in the proper growth of the child. All of these are powerful reasons for the use of corticosteroids to be weighed.

Remember that they should always be prescribed by the pediatrician, never take the initiative to administer them for the sake of your child. They can only be used in the event that there is a serious respiratory disorder that prevents the necessary amount of air from reaching the child's lungs such as asthma, a disease in which these medications are usually used.

For the correct development of the child, the pediatrician's supervision is essential and you must always step on insurance when it comes to the child's health.

Video: 7 Steroid Eye Drops Side Effects You Need to Know (July 2024).