The snack, an obligation

All mothers want to give their children a snack that is adequate, the purpose of this should be to nourish the child without it being heavy. Providing children with genuine and nutritious food is essential, but sometimes the rush is bad companions and children are given anything, usually something we can have in the pantry like a chocolate filled bun.

Remember that the industrial bakery is accused by experts for containing too many sugars or fats, but they also inform us that we should not adopt this position with all products, since there are some that do not present those excesses.

Therefore, it is best to read product labels, they give us important information, we will know the calories of the product, the composition, etc. An adequate snack should never provide more than 120 calories and should not exceed 4 grams of saturated fat. As a general rule, it is the filling of one of these buns that can provide more calories and fat. For example, between a cream-filled bun and a plum cake there can be a difference of up to 50 calories. This excess eventually causes the child to be overweight.

On the label we can control the type of fat that the product presents, hydrogenated vegetable fats are worse than those made with corn oil or seeds.

Not long ago we talked about the importance of the snack and that its goal is to provide energy to the little one but never quench it so as not to spoil the appetite in the main meals.

The conclusion is that not all pastries are harmful and that we can know through the nutritional information on the labels if it is convenient for our children. Although the truth is that it is best to provide the child with healthy foods such as bread, yogurts or fruits and so that the snack time is not so boring, give the little boy occasionally some industrial pastries, as long as Provide healthy aspects for your child.

Video: Have to must and should for obligation and advice (July 2024).