Uterine atony

When the mother has just given birth having expelled the baby and the placenta, there is a powerful uterine contraction inside, an important and necessary mechanism of the organism that causes all the blood vessels located in the area to close (uterine vessels) . This action allows the bleeding to be minimal, preventing the mother from bleeding.

If it were the case that the contraction did not take place after delivery, a Uterine atony, leading to significant bleeding. Depending on the case, the hemorrhage could be treated with drugs, although surgery is often used to stop the bleeding, in the most severe cases, even the removal of the uterus is performed. To try to prevent this situation it is necessary to maintain a healthy and balanced diet that discards a possible anemia, since it is associated with uterine atony. Some future moms also prefer to give birth in their homes, without the assistance of health personnel equipped for any problem that may arise and this can be dangerous, since if this type of bleeding occurs the consequences can be disastrous .

There are many reasons for bleeding after birth, uterine rupture, placenta previa, retained placenta, etc. It is always advisable to be in the hands of specialized health personnel to deal with a possible problem as quickly and effectively.

Video: Postpartum Hemorrhage - Uterine atony (July 2024).