Stressed babies

Stress is the body's response to external conditions that disturb the emotional balance of the person. We adults suffer it, also children and of course, babies. In fact, it is becoming more frequent since Today's babies have 50 times more stress than 15 years ago. Why will it be? Because we live like crazy.

As Elda told us when explaining the chemistry of safe attachment, when a baby is stressed, as in adults, the body releases cortisol, a secreted hormone to help cope with stressful situations. The key is that cortisol levels are balanced, since if they are low the baby becomes apathetic and if they are exceeded, it becomes a stressed baby.

What situations stress a baby? Babies also feel and suffer, just like adults, or more. One looks at a baby and thinks "What stress can this creature have?". Well, even if there are no bills to pay or a boss, it also has it.

When he is sick, when he feels cold, hot, hungry, when he has a dirty diaper and of course, when he demands pampering, arms, attention and we don't give it to him. Pampering is also a basic need of the baby that must be taken care of like any other, or more. Why when we poop do we change the diaper immediately and yet we let them cry for hours in the crib? It is something I do not understand.

Let's go back to stress. It can also stress the shrill music, noises to which he is not accustomed (the noise of the drill that made my girls crazy when they were babies comes to mind), a hectic activity at home, the discussions that the boy witnesses or hears (Although we believe that he does not find out, he does), and of course, the stress that the parents spread to them. The equation is simple: altered parents, stressed children.

What are the clues that the baby gives us when stressed? The most obvious manifestation of stress is crying, but not just any type of crying, it is an anguished and acute crying. Parents are hearing and we can identify our baby's cries very well, just pay attention. Stress is also manifested in eating disorders, sleep disorders and less interaction with adults.

What to do to avoid stress in the baby? Promote situations in which the child feels cared for, loved, cover all his needs, both those of hunger, sleep, shelter and of course, the affective ones. Attending to the child also means playing with him, paying attention, spending hours together in quality and quantity, strengthening the bond of attachment, being surrounded by loved ones, etc.

Establishing routines is also essential to avoid stress in the baby. Having a routine (play, bath, dinner, story, sleep ...) and doing the same every day gives you confidence, security and reassures you knowing that your life is not a constant startle of activities without any order.

With regard to family life, we have already talked about the consequences of living in stressed families (behavior problems, anxiety, isolation and even more serious things). Therefore, we must provide a family atmosphere as calm as possible leaving shouts, work problems and frantic rhythms on the other side of the house.

All this will contribute to creating a state of confidence in the baby that will help him cope better with stressful situations. A baby who has been fully attended to his needs during the first stage of his life will be a safe child and an adult who will know how to deal with stress in the future.

Video: This Baby Got Stressed By Her Mother. Latest Baby Stressed Video 2017 (July 2024).