Toledo will create a public center for children with national reference autism

Yesterday we talked about the case of a child of Cuban origin residing in a Valencian town, who with three and a half years of age and with communication problems due to suffering an autism variant, had to go to a school in which the language in which The classes taught are Valencian, which would clearly harm their development and their proper learning.

According to statistics, about four out of every thousand children suffer from autism, so the case we are talking about is certainly not uncommon, and there are also cases of autism that take a long time to be detected, so the education that these children they need and the appropriate action that improves their development is not done. Well, yesterday was presented at a press conference The creation of the first public center for the care and treatment of children with autism will be located in Toledo and will have about 50-60 seats. It will be of national reference, so it will also be investigated and will work with families to know the evolution of the disease.

This new center is within the protocol of actions that the Ministry of Social Welfare of Toledo has signed with the City Council, which also announces an increase of about 500 nursery places for children from 0 to 3 years, also collaborating in the work conciliation and familiar.

Video: HDS Carbon from Lowrance - Are you ready? (July 2024).