Jorge Blass presents the III Ultra Plus Insurance Festival of Magic at the Circus Price Theater to get the child inside

In the third edition of the Magic Festival held in Madrid they dare with even more difficult and, for the first time, the magicians accept the challenge of acting in the Circus Price Theater surrounded by the public on a circular track. On the track you can see Yunke, Jorge Blass, Sos and Victoria, Miguel Muñoz, Marko Karvo and Jaime Figueroa, among others.

Again Jorge Blass acts as master of ceremonies and performs several performances on stage in which the great illusion and participatory magic prevails with children as great protagonists. And it is that Jorge knows how to extract from the elders the little one that we carry inside and excites us with his spectacular magic and that transcends the stage flooding the Theater.

He circular stage It is surrounded by tables from which you can see the show at a very short distance and thus be able to appreciate the great magicians. For example, one of the most grateful to see so close is Yunke playing with boxes and escapism in several spectacular numbers, fast, dizzying and very bright. Yunke is a specialist in great Illusions, his magic has a lot of strength and energy and he feels great the circular stage to appreciate his talent.

Another of the great shows of 2013 is that of Marko Karvo, a Finnish wizard, with an elegance and technical perfection that left us fascinated (left in the image). Marko has worked at the Lido de Paris as a leading artist and in theaters and televisions around the world and dominates the stage and the show in a masterful way. In its number includes birds that makes appear and disappear and requires you to remain very attentive so as not to lose detail of its tremendous magic.

Sos and Victoria They are the masters in the art of quick change. They have toured televisions and theaters around the world presenting their act and on stage they transform their costumes in the time it takes to hide and reappear. It is a spectacular number with a more difficult one after each transformation.

Another of the protagonists of the show is Jaime Figueroa, a comic magic artist who plays with his ability to make you smile while you are surprised with his magic technique very well integrated into his show. And an artist who will love children is Miguel Muñoz that plays with the water integrating it in a show of contact balls and that looks great on the 360º stage. In his magical performance he manages to convert the drops of water into contact balls with which he makes fantastic numbers before returning them to the water.

In this promotional video you can see some of the participants with fragments of their shows:

The Circus Price Theater presents Magic from March 8, 2013 to March 18, 2013 with prices ranging from 30 euros of the track table, to 18 euros of the preferred armchair. There are also tickets for 25 euros for the track box or 23 and 20 euros for other preferred seats. The show lasts almost two hours, without rest, in which magic floods everything, until the final number.

As we always commented, it is advisable to check the Theater page to find out more information about prices and especially the discounts that apply to children under 14, over 65 and people in wheelchairs. In addition, children under four do not need entry, provided they do not occupy a seat.

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