17% of children and adolescents have behavioral disorders

According to a study conducted by the Spanish Society of Outpatient and Primary Care Pediatrics 17 percent of Spanish children and adolescents suffer from some type of behavior disorder.

These data (so chilling) have been presented at the XXII Congress of this company, held in Arona (Tenerife) on the 16th to the 19th of this month and is part of an analysis carried out by about 200 pediatricians based on a test designed to detect , early, behavioral disorders in children.

This test, called the Eyber test, allows to detect factors such as the causes of the disorders or the risk groups and has been defined as a very useful tool for pediatricians who demanded a similar utility to perform the psychological assessments necessary to obtain reliable results. I do not know the test since it is newly presented, but I do know the results they have obtained. The rates mentioned have already appeared in other studies even with worse results (I have heard one in four children have psychological problems).

The causes are sure to be many and very diverse, but it is not necessary to be too smart to see that this is increasing in children, adolescents and the adult population. Something has to change in our conception of society and in our way of educating and raising our children if they have such problems when they are young.

Unicef ​​said it recently, more family reconciliation is needed. Children spend too much time alone, without their parents and too much time spent in various extracurriculars, in almost obligatory duties and occupations that cause them to have lost time to do what they need most: to play.

We are stealing their childhood and childhood and teaching that love and contact, what makes us human and people, is almost a precious asset often unattainable that we replace with material goods (adults do the same).

It seems that we do not scarce. We are getting worse and yet we believe together that children must go through an almost dictatorial regime and lack of affection to make them hard and firm, independent and self-sufficient.

What we are getting is that the children are sad and unhappy because they really need love and don't want to be alone, but they believe, from what they are taught, that what they feel is wrong and that they must learn not to need others and not need too much love.

Time to time, mental health consultations increase daily and it is no longer strange to see 9-year-old children with anxiety crisis. Maybe we should stop the clock and see what we are doing wrong or what we could do better.

Video: Hospital Assesses Area's Pediatric Health Needs (July 2024).