Skin cancer prevention is in your hands

Two days ago the European Skin Cancer Day, a very worrying disease whose rates increase. Even more worrying is the exponential growth of the most aggressive variant of this cancer: melanoma. Intensive or prolonged exposure to the sun is not the only cause, but if we act on it, many of the cases that are detected annually could be prevented.

Even today, with all the recommendations we hear and read, it seems that we have forgotten that the skin is the largest organ of the body, that is, if we lay down without sun protection (and ignore the associated advice) we are attacking to the largest organ in the body, and the one that protects the internal organs from the environment around us.

Specifically, I am concerned that we do not remember that the skin 'has memory' (she does remember), and therefore it may be that by not protecting or protecting our children, we are compromising their future health; and also that 35 percent of parents (according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer) of parents with children over 10 years of age who 'relax' and neglect their protection.

There are several types of skin cancer that are grouped into non-melanoma skin cancers (carcinomas), and melanoma; the second extends very easily to other organs of the body. More commonly, any skin cancer will appear as a priority in areas exposed to sunlight. As a whole, skin cancers are the most common type of cancer in the United States.

In other areas of the Planet, rapid growth of this disease is also being observed

Prevent skin cancer

The good news is that we can prevent it, or greatly reduce the risk of our family contracting it, it is enough to heed the recommendations that we are reminded each year. Precisely I watched a video last Friday (on the occasion of the celebration that I have mentioned), in which a doctor told us that we all have more awareness on this issue, but that we need to take a step: introduce the sunscreen as a daily habit.

I came to explain that it is not just about getting along when we go to the beach or swimming pool (although we especially must do it at the moment), but to incorporate protection from the sun on a daily basis, because we can be exposed for several hours without our noticing .

When talking about prevention, let's think: it's about avoiding UV radiation (A and B), these rays are emitted by the sun; Then it is logical to avoid any intense exposure of our skin. In this sense, the information on the radiation index is provided to us (in Spain) by the Spanish Meteorological Agency, but I think we can replace it by having a head, and leaving the beach or pool at 12 noon, knowing that we can return if we we wish after 16, because Central hours are very dangerous.

Another thing is to understand at the same time that the sun provides us with vitamin D, and although there are supporters of obtaining it exclusively from food, a small exposure (15 minutes) in distant hours to the most dangerous time slot, it gives us our daily ration of this vitamin A small walk at 10, outdoor games after 19, after the children have showered and removed the remnants of cream, ...

Protection: not only cream

In this post, we clarified doubts about sunscreen creams (there are also those with a mineral filter); reiterating information on other barrier measures such as using t-shirts (better with a protective filter), caps, sunglasses, etc.

Creams with photoprotection should provide at least a factor of 15 protection in children older than three years, but let's not be extremists: putting them 50+ does not mean that we can let them play without a shirt in the sun of 15 hours. That is to say: better 50 than 15, but respecting the rest of the measures

The UV rays not only burn our skin (and here it could be denitrified that a dark skin by the sun is a healthy skin), but can also cause early skin aging and development of eye cataracts.

In addition to all the protective measures provided, children should drink a lot of water, avoiding dehydration; and especially during sun exposure; We will try to offer them (if they are hungry) foods such as fruits, or vegetables, which in addition to being very healthy, are indicated as potential prevention measures (perhaps by providing antioxidants), among other benefits.

Who is more at risk of getting sun exposure diseases?

As they tell us from En Familia, people with very white skin (they burn easily and almost never get brown), who are usually blond or redheaded. Attention to all those who present 'rare' moles (nevus) in large numbers, and to freckled ones.

Those with a family history of skin cancer, and those with a history of frequent exposure in the first years of life.

All protections will be extreme in people with very white skin, and will be softened in people with very brown or black skin

It should be remembered that we do not receive UV rays from the sun only on the beach or in the pool, but also during walks, or playing sports, in outdoor or bike-mounted playgrounds, etc. Let's be cautious because it costs very little to adopt prevention habits, compared to the cost of getting a skin cancer.

And finally, it pointed higher than exposure to the sun's rays It is not the only cause of skin cancer: the use of tanning booths, and some skin lesions (among other factors), also affect. But let's say that the cause that involves more population is sunbathing unconsciously.

Images | docentjoyce, USAG Livorno PAO More information | Kids Health, In Family On Peques and More | Do not play with the sun: do not let your guard down in protecting your children against UV rays, If you do not protect your child against the harmful effects of the sun, you are mistreating him, Atopic skins in summer: take care of them following these tips