In private clinics in Barcelona, ​​twice as many caesarean sections are practiced as in public ones

The WHO stipulates an acceptable rate of 15% of cesarean sections, but we know that in Spain the reality is greater than that percentage, and much more in private health.

Specifically, in Barcelona a 38% of women gave birth by caesarean section in private clinics compared to 19% who gave birth in the same way in public health. Exactly double.

These are the data collected by a study carried out between 1994 and 2003 directed by Joaquín Salvador, doctor of the Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona.

In any case, both percentages exceed what is recommended, but it is clear that in private clinics a large number of unnecessary caesarean sections are performed with the risks that this entails for the mother and the baby.

The most frequent reason why caesarean sections are performed that are not essential to save the baby's life are caesarean sections by choice, either by the doctor, for convenience to organize their schedules or in case of possible legal claims, or by the mother to control the delivery date or for fear of pain in vaginal delivery.

According to the study, as the years progressed, caesarean sections were increasing, a trend that being hopeful can be reversed thanks to the implementation of the Normal Delivery Care Strategy. With the intention of reducing the high percentages of caesarean sections, its protocols aim to minimize the use of this practice by eliminating unnecessary interventions.

For this, both professionals and women should begin to become aware of the risks of unnecessary caesarean sections and from there things can begin to change.

Video: Conference: Redefining Urban Design: Barcelona as Case Study" Part 2 (July 2024).