Infant foods with leptin to avoid obesity

The battle against an evil that ravages our society and especially the child population is not yet won. Advertising and information campaigns, restrictions and a good nutritional education taught in schools and homes are not yet sufficient.

The research carried out to fight obesity is constant, recently a group of scientists from Buckingham University has discovered that the use of Leptin in infant feeding could be key to preventing obesity throughout life of the child. Rodent tests show this, food with leptin (a hunger-inhibiting hormone) was administered to rodents that were still in the gestation phase, the result of the diet was able to obtain thin rodents. Numerous tests have been performed with leptin to try to combat obesity in an adult state, but these have been unsuccessful, on the contrary it seems that it is very effective to use the hormone in the infantile phase of the individual. Although it is still too early to guarantee good results in human beings, and some tests that fully certify their safety are necessary, some members of the scientific community do not agree with its use, since an alteration is indirectly made in the brain.

For now, we will have to wait for the tests and the work of the researchers in the introduction of leptin in formula milk. The study has been published in the journal Chemistry & Industry.

Video: The Brain's HungerSatiety Pathways and Obesity, Animation (July 2024).