Maters: mother affairs in Barcelona

The concept of motherhood is changing in our society and more and more women want to live with knowledge, intensity and support.

We have already commented on more occasions that loneliness is the number 1 public enemy of the urban mother today and the importance of receiving support from other mothers, doulas or well-trained professionals.

To respond to this need for learn, share and enjoy motherhood today A new center in Barcelona called “Maters: mother affairs” was born.

The mothers-creators of this center are precisely two ex-executive mothers who, realizing the few social networks that pregnant women and recent mothers have to share their experiences and receive truthful information and emotional encouragement, decided to become entrepreneurs and create what they would have liked to have themselves and did not find.

Maters aims to be more than a center dedicated to women and become a friends club, a meeting place between mothers.

Their services range from pregnancy and childbirth preparation to raising young children and have such original proposals as welcome baby, creative expression workshop, yoga for moms and babies, space for small readers, etc.

Congratulations on this great initiative that we wish from the heart to be useful to many mothers and their babies and to spread this philosophy to more communities and countries.

As we have mentioned so many times: “it takes a village to raise a child”(African proverb). If the hyper-individualistic society where we live denies it, let's do it!

Video: The Collapse of the Caliphate of Cordoba. 976CE - 1031CE. Al Andalus Episode 05 (July 2024).