Women in Mexico may be accompanied by someone they trust and choose during their delivery or cesarean section

The birth of a child is one of the most important and special moments, but also one of the most intense, emotional and sensitive moments we live as mothers. In an event like this, Women need all the support and the best possible company. But in Mexico, this is not something that always happens.

Fortunately, thanks to a new law, denying access to the mother's partner or companion is over, at least in Mexico City, where women can now be accompanied by a person of their confidence and choice during childbirth or caesarean section of their children.

Although in many hospitals and clinics (especially private ones) the access of someone who accompanies the mother during childbirth or caesarean section is allowed, there are some places where the entrance of someone other than the patient was totally denied.

Thanks to a new reform to the Health Law on maternal and child health approved by the Congress of Mexico City, all women They may be accompanied by a family member, a trusted person or their partner, during labor, delivery and postpartum, including caesarean sections.

In Babies and more Know the new WHO recommendations for a positive birth experience

This new reform includes public and private hospitals, and is part of an opinion that seeks give more humanized attention and dignified treatment to women, and thus help to completely eliminate situations of negligence, abuse or obstetric violence.

Some time ago we shared the new recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for a positive delivery experience, which was precisely included in the first block, dedicated to care during labor and birth, the right of mothers to receive respectful maternal care and the choice of a companion to accompany them during childbirth.

This is excellent news not only for mothers, but for those parents who wish to be close to her during the birth of her baby. Remember now the role of the father during childbirth has evolved and behind is that time when they waited in a nearby room or behind a door.

With initiatives like this, no one can tell them that they cannot enter or that it is not their placeWell, in reality, the role of the father during childbirth is a very important one, and both mom and baby need him.

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