Tips to make paper reading compatible with other formats

All fathers and mothers know that encourage reading in our children always pays off, and that (among other advantages) helps children in their academic performance.

However, In what format to read?, because we are in the era of technology and electronic devices, and in many homes parents will have an e-reader to download your favorite readings, or a tablet in which to show some funny stories for your children.

Not long ago we knew thanks to the Barometer of Reading habits, that the number of eBook readers among children aged 10 to 13 reaches 13.1 percent, among them 80 out of 100 read books in their free time. In the United States, and according to the children's / youth publisher Scholastic, 46% of children between the ages of six and 17 have read at least one eBook during 2012 (the figure has doubled compared to 2010).

Half of the children who have been asked, say they would read more if they had access to e-books

The ebook may be striking for older children, but In the case of kids with six, seven, eight years, I think some of the attractions of print editions for first readers cannot be obtained (yet) in the e reader, and this is where tablets come into play. Therefore I interpret that what children really need, is well the guidance / company of parents (which should not be replaced by technology), or a mechanism that gives them some autonomy.

At this point, I consider that the presence of parents is necessary, it is not going to be that by giving him the digital reader or the tablet, we already think that everything is doneThat is why we have prepared these recommendations.

How to read with new technologies?

  • To encourage reading, there must also be moments of 'reading together' or 'reading them', as with paper books.

  • Also, establishing a similarity with the volumes that occupy the bookshelf or we take from the Library, we can take the opportunity to enjoy a few minutes with the family to talk about the stories.

We can assess what happens to the characters, imagine new endings, talk about the images, etc.
  • If when we buy a book we strive to find the one that our child will like the most, when choosing an e book or application, we must also look at its characteristics, contents, and decide if it will be suitable for our children.

  • We must encourage the consumption of new technologies but applying rationality, so that the children understand that through them they can acquire knowledge / skills, have fun, etc. Getting used to the establishment of limits from the first moment.

  • Its use should alternate with the consumption of books and paper magazines.

Electronic devices are present in the children's environment

E-book readers are mostly used at home, although 25% already employ them at school (in United States). Normally parents' devices are used.

I believe that the introduction of technologies in schools is important, losing their fear, only in this way can they be taught to use them properly in this context.

But market studies move by specific interests. And that's why it's always important that adults have clear criteria, Let us know our possibilities and the needs of our children, in order to find the necessary balance between paper and digital reading.

How do you like to read?

That is, we will find studies that will tell us that parents prefer to read stories to the children on the tablet because the kids have more fun. And others that will ensure that according to the time of day, reading on paper relaxes and helps us concentrate.

It is not that some are more right than others, because we only have the answer

The Scholastic study mentioned above states that children prefer paper to share, rest from technology and eliminate worry about battery status. On the other hand, when they prefer that nobody knows what they read (in the reader there is no cover) or when they travel, they choose digital versions.

I find that reading in electronic format is fun and can develop skills in young children in different contexts. Although for our nocturnal family reading moments, we prefer paper books, since the touch and sound of the pages passing by gives us peace of mind and the absence of animations helps us to concentrate.

It has been very beneficial for my children to encourage reading on paper until they have consolidated a habit. In order to know how to choose, the options and benefits that they grant us must be well known: reading on paper reassures my oldest son and blows the imagination of the little girl. At the moment, they use technology to search for information, find topics of interest, interact and have fun.

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