How can the entrepreneurial spirit be promoted in kids?

We are probably attending a new way of relating in the workplace and it is that large companies are becoming less frequent, due to globality, and what remains is a long line of dynamic, innovative, facilitating and willing companies to rethink over time. So it’s normal that he’s getting a lot focus on entrepreneurship and in driving a generation of very specialized autonomous people and with the ability to constantly reinvent itself. This mission is more important as soon as you start, so it is important to encourage children to discover entrepreneurship with educational activities, with recipes, with ideas and with enthusiasm so that they understand the world of business and the generation of economically sustainable ideas. .

I have found a recipe book that we can practice at home, at school or for children to work with their friends, and discover the desire to be entrepreneurs. Among these ideas are:

  • That the children have a pay for the work done, the objective is to encourage children to earn their pay. Collaborating on daily household tasks and teaching them to be collaborative with a small effort also allows parents to know how they respond in those tasks.
  • Let the children know get used to savingIf children can take advantage of the offers of the banks to have a savings program, they will have a permanent incentive that can be translated over time into a great reward. We can also teach the kids some mathematical formula to understand how a Bank works in the business of buying and selling money
  • Have initiative to get extra profitIf the kids have enthusiasm, desire, knowledge and strength to go further in the tasks that help, they surely deserve an additional reward
  • Let the children know manage and manage your resources because parents do not have to say yes to everything that the children beg and ask of us. It is better to encourage the child to have ideas on how to get resources and manage them to get products they want
  • Que them let's push and facilitate to achieve your dreams because every time our son teaches us something he has done and we say, now no son! Our son should see it as we ignore him. So when they want to start a task with enthusiasm and desire we have to give them time and support. In addition, we must involve them and contribute ideas, develop them with them and allow them to fail because important lessons are learned from these failures.
  • Let them learn to teamwork because they have to share, express their ideas, work collaboratively and grow the business
  • To be encouraged to practice team sports Because team sports are a great way to teach children how to work with others and they work to learn some parts of a business. It is essential in this game to practice the values ​​and hard work that will be appreciated in the future
  • May we offer you our time because our children need mentors and references to follow. Better that we, the parents, are the ones who do that work and to demystify our leadership role we can work collaboratively to solve problems together
  • That the children have own initiative because to think creatively, children have to encourage their initiative and autonomy. Homework is an example of how they organize their time, their knowledge and their learning
  • Let the little ones be observers and analytical so that they discover and understand the cause-effect process and provide their own solutions. The challenge, also for us is to recognize and anticipate the needs of others
  • Que them let's teach problem solving because we have to explain to the kids that the problems are solutions that have not yet been solved and that is why we have to offer them small challenges that they have to overcome and direct them to find the solution (better without recipes)
  • Let us teach them with our example because the imitation capacity of children teaches them that if we have any skill, hobby, entertainment or hobby for children, it can be an example of how to turn it into a business. For example, writing this blog allows me to teach my daughter all the things that happen around the world of children in terms of leisure, education, health, etc. and I can assure you that it is a very appropriate exercise that teaches us many things
  • That they know great entrepreneurs and also people who have failed. The other day my daughter told me that she had been expelled from a company project that they had created in the schoolyard. I told him that Steve Jobs was also kicked out of Apple, that he took the opportunity to set up a company and then returned and gave him time to position the company where he left it. So it is important to talk about others to have references, and you don't have to go so far, in Spain we have great examples and success stories
  • Let them practice with business games because there are many games to teach the kids the basic characteristics of the company. Among the best products is the Monopoly that teaches to calculate, to think, to reason, to plan while having fun although there are many more

In any case there are many more recipes to encourage kids to undertake so we will have to put them into practice because our children are going to access a job market that is very different from the one we know today and in which I am afraid that all these proposals will be great for them.

Video: Why every kid should experience entrepreneurship in school. (July 2024).