Singer Celine Dion launches a line of gender neutral clothing for children

Gradually, there are more and more brands and companies that are committed to launching clothing lines of gender neutral or unlabeled, in order to eliminate those stereotypes that have predominated for decades.

Now, Singer Celine Dion joins these types of initiatives, launching her own line of gender neutral clothing for children, in order to help promote equality.

In collaboration with the NUNUNU brand, which is dedicated to the creation of gender neutral clothing, singer Celine Dion presented her new CELINUNUNU clothing line, in which according to the information on her website, it represents the union of two forces in one voice and stating that fashion has the power to mold people's minds.

Through her clothing line free of gender stereotypes, the singer seeks that their clothes help inspire children to be free and find their own individuality. In its line of clothing, the use of traditional colors for girls and boys is completely out: pink and blue.

Its new brand includes sweaters, t-shirts, dresses, pants and jackets for children, baby bodies, as well as walking shoes at home and blankets. All this, in white, black and yellow colors, with designs in which high contrast predominates full of figures like stars, crosses and geometric figures, as well as the letters of the alphabet.

In Babies and more, Abercrombie & Fitch launches a line of gender neutral clothing for children

According to information from People, the singer comments that her clothing line will allow children to choose outside the classic stereotypes and norms, so they can show their own tastes and preferences: "We help them feel free, creative, inspired, respectful of each other and happy in the world".

Why are such initiatives important and positive? In the first place and as we have mentioned before, because they combat these gender stereotypes. Second, because by eliminating them, both in clothes and toys), children have the space and freedom to choose to be what they want to be, without being limited because a color or a toy is "only for girls" or vice versa.

In addition to the line of the singer, who has chosen to give her the element of neutrality through colors, we have previously seen other gender-free or gender-neutral clothing brands, in which they use colorful designs but with different motivating elements and phrases, offering them equally for boys and girls.

Video: Celine Dion Gets Arrested In Clothing Line Ad (July 2024).